Gaping Gill

Atracción | Lancaster | Inglaterra | Reino Unido

"Gaping Gill" en Lancaster es uno de los fenómenos naturales más fascinantes de Gran Bretaña y representa el sistema de cuevas subterráneas más grande del noroeste de Inglaterra. Esta impresionante cueva kárstica se encuentra en el Parque Nacional Yorkshire Dales y atrae a amantes de la naturaleza, espeleólogos y aventureros que desean experimentar la misteriosa y áspera belleza de este mundo subterráneo. El nombre "Gaping Gill" se traduce como "la cueva abierta", y este nombre es muy acertado, ya que la cueva es accesible a través de una grieta masiva y abierta.

La altura de la entrada a la cueva, por la cual fluye el agua del río Ingleton hacia las profundidades de la tierra, es absolutamente impresionante. La cueva es una formación de pozo vertical que tiene más de 100 metros de profundidad. La entrada, vista desde arriba como una enorme grieta abierta en la roca, es una visión dramática. Es especialmente fascinante el hecho de que la cueva solo es accesible en ciertas épocas del año, especialmente durante el evento "Gaping Gill Winch Meet", en el que se utiliza un sistema de poleas para transportar a los aventureros hacia las profundidades. Este evento es un momento especial en el que muchos exploran la cueva, ya que de lo contrario es difícil de acceder.

"Gaping Gill" no solo tiene importancia geológica, sino también histórica. El proceso de formación de la cueva se remonta a millones de años y fue moldeado por la erosión del agua y el movimiento de capas de roca. En el interior de la cueva hay numerosas formaciones geológicas fascinantes, como estalactitas, estalagmitas y enormes salas subterráneas, que son percibidas por los visitantes como maravillas naturales extraordinarias. Las paredes oscuras y húmedas de la cueva y el profundo silencio que la rodea intensifican la sensación mística que muchos exploradores de cuevas y amantes de la naturaleza experimentan al entrar en la parte profunda de "Gaping Gill".

Otra característica notable de Gaping Gill es la espectacular cascada que cae hacia la parte inferior de la cueva. Con una altura de más de 30 metros, esta cascada es la más grande de Gran Bretaña que se adentra en una cueva. La vista y el sonido constante de esta caída de agua en medio del paisaje rocoso es una experiencia natural imponente y poderosa descrita por muchos como el punto culminante de su visita. Especialmente durante la época de lluvias, cuando el agua fluye con más fuerza a través de la cueva, la cascada gana fuerza y crea una atmósfera mística.

Para los visitantes interesados en la espeleología o la geología, Gaping Gill es un verdadero paraíso. Explorar la cueva y sumergirse en este mundo subterráneo ofrece una perspectiva única sobre las fuerzas naturales que crearon esta formación excepcional. Durante el evento "Winch Meet", los interesados pueden participar en expediciones guiadas y entrar de manera segura en la cueva para explorar su interior. Para los aventureros apasionados por la espeleología, Gaping Gill representa uno de los mayores desafíos y recompensas.

Para los residentes de la zona y los visitantes de Lancaster, Gaping Gill tiene una significativa importancia cultural y natural. La cueva es un símbolo de la belleza salvaje y la diversidad geológica de la región, apreciada tanto por amantes de la naturaleza como por científicos. Es una parte notable del patrimonio geográfico de Lancaster y un destino para aquellos que desean experimentar la naturaleza virgen y los aspectos misteriosos de la historia de la Tierra.

En resumen, Gaping Gill es uno de los fenómenos naturales más fascinantes de Gran Bretaña. Su imponente tamaño, las formaciones geológicas y la poderosa cascada la convierten en un destino para amantes de la naturaleza y aventureros en busca de una experiencia extraordinaria. Gaping Gill combina maravillas geológicas con una atmósfera única y es un importante hito de la belleza natural de Lancaster y del Parque Nacional Yorkshire Dales.

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Clapdale Dr

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Domingo0:00 - 0:00
Lunes0:00 - 0:00
Martes0:00 - 0:00
Miércoles0:00 - 0:00
Jueves0:00 - 0:00
Viernes0:00 - 0:00
Sábado0:00 - 0:00


345 Reseñas


Nice place

Perfect place👍👍👍
Sean Dorling

A very deep hole, you can stand right next to it, peered in and you can’t see the bottom. Was part of a nice walk, worth the passing visit!
Tony Jefry R

Can someone please tell me how I can get there and stay? I am very interested in knowing this beautiful place.
Natasha Jones

An amazing place which can only be visited during winch meets for a week on May and a week in August.
Down2Earth .photography

Open twice a year by the Bradford Pot holing club & Craven Pot hole club
Ciprian Bacrau

Dav Nev

1. Arrive early! We got there at 630am and were already numbers 86/ 87 in the queue. 2. It could be a long, cold and windy wait for the tent to open. Take waterproofs even in summer. And snacks/drinks. There's safe bag storage for when you go down. 3. Once we paid to get our wristbands at around 9am we were told to come back in around 2.5 hours for our turn....that's around 5 hours from when we arrived. 4. It's a great ride down & up (don't forget you need waterproofs) 5. It's a beautiful but relatively small area to wander about for obvious safety reasons. Plus it's pretty dark and torches are limited so take your own. V important, we likely missed out on quite a bit by sharing a torch and laminated map. We spent around an hour down there. It would have been great to have someone walk you around, pointing things out and giving a speaking tour. There are lots of people around to ask questions but it's not the same if you don't know what questions to ask or what you're really looking at. This is the only reason for the 4 stars rather than 5. 6. Pre book accommodation AND definitely food in this remote location as options are extremely limited and fill up well in advance. 7. The volunteers who run the day are all lovely and friendly. There are lots of comings and goings, we enjoyed watching real cavers hanging off the walls above us. 8. The toilets are, at best guess, 150 years behind the first ever Glastonbury....i.e. a precarious bucket in a very windy tent on top of a hill, but you can walk a little further down slope and pee more comfortably in a secluded ditch. 9. If you want to make a really great day out add on a good hike after your slot at the cave. We walked up little Ingleborough while waiting and then to Ingleborough cave (which is fab) and back to Clapham after our trip down. Long day but worth it. 10. Take waterproofs!!!! It's not a place for hot pants and eyelashes, although thank you girls, you gave us a good chuckle with your grumpy Botox pouts lol
Mohammad Fayez

A must go gem in the Yorkshire district 30-40 mins away from the yorkshire park in Clapham village
Julian Cwalinski

Gaping hole is right!
Ray kamal

What an amazing experience! Set off driving from Leeds at 4:30am and arrived at Clapham village at 6:00am, walked up to gaping gill and arrived there at 7:20am. That was 40 minutes before they opened the winch, however there was already 180 people the queue!!! Ended up being some of the last people allowed to get tickets, waiting a staggering 7 hours to finally get a lift down. For us this was worth it as it was a really sunny day so could relax and wait by the river. However if it was raining I think we would’ve just gone back down to the village and potentially home. Other than that the cave was absolutely fantastic, beautiful place, huge inside lots to explore. (bring water proofs)
Tom Andrew

Stunning experience, recommended
Guy Tsur

It was very beautiful and illuminating to see from outside. We did not come in a time where you can go down the Gaping Gill. Still worth the hike to there and beautiful!
RedRed RED

Fab experience approx 1.5>2hrs Hike, on a cold drizzling day on Friday. Started hike frm Clapham car park at approx 630am. Upon arriving at the winch approx 8am already a que of 50/60 people. (Apparently some hiked up at 4am.)Got ticket at 10amish. Wait to 1pm to decend. Think theres only about 140 tickets or so so once all handed out that's it for that day. This is a long day so be prepared take food/water & water proof clothing is a must.
Philip Jones

Totally incredible experience being able to access the longest cave in the UK with the highest single drop waterfall. It's a truly stunning cavern with multiple spouts cascading into it. The whole operation is very professionally managed by two caving clubs, who limit visits to two weeks per year (one in May with Bradford and the other in August with Craven). It is popular (we went in August) so make sure you are there early... 1st decent is at 9am but people were queuing from 6am and all places had been filled before 9.30am. We arrived just before 9am and had to wait 5.5h to descend as the winch takes only one person at a time and has to complete the 105m descent. So, bring plenty of warm and waterproof gear... we took a portable shelter which was perfect whilst waiting to keep the wind and rain off! Also, it's about 8°C in the canyon so plenty of layers are needed... and you will get very wet during the ride in the winch. You have been warned! If you come prepared, it's a breathtaking adventure of a day out P.s. No tickets can be bought in advance and no camping is allowed on the National Park (only the caving club). We walked there from Clapham which takes about 1h to 1h30 depending on pace
Joe Lord

Worth waiting months and months to finally get the winch down to the bottom. A tough hike up without proper footwear - I learnt the hard way. For the winch - go at 7am and prepare for 5+ hours of waiting at the top.
Mike Richardson

Winch day organised by Bradford Potholing club where you get a chance to be lowered into Gaping Gill. Brilliant experience.
Darryl Roberts

Very impressive and great wow factor once the winch arrives at the cavern floor
Vyshnu Jayakumar

The hike to Gaping Gill is adventurous and scenic. For the winch system operated by the local club, arrive early to secure a ticket (£20 per person, cash or card accepted). This event is available only in May and August. Waiting tents ⛺ are provided for comfort. Once inside, the cave's waterfalls are stunning. Waterproof apparel 🧥 and shoes 🥾 are recommended. This is a must-visit experience. Enjoy your expedition!
John Wright

Long wait but well worth it.
Keith Foxall

Absolutely amazing. We were so lucky to have a chance of doing this. My son is scared of heights and I convinced him. We are not going we are going down. So it's not high up. He fell for it. And had the time of his life. Memories forever.
Helen Salvage

Thanks to Bradford Caving club I was winched down into the cave. Phenominal trip, do it if you get the chance. It's worth the wait.
Candy k

Amazing experience.. Bradford Pothole club were amazing with the organisation of the event and answering questions we had. We parked at Clapham Car Park and walked an hour and 15 mins to the site. The walk is very nice, but can be quite strenuous especially as it’s all uphill. There are toilets at the car park and then Porter loos half way on the walk to Gaping Gill just outside Ingleborough cave. We arrived at 7:05 and there were already 20 people in front of us. The club promptly started at 8am and we were in by 9am Highly HIGHLY suggest wearing proper footwear and wearing water proofs. We were drenched from the water falls. Having a head torch helps the experience and whilst it’s not necessary I defo thought it helped. You can also leave your bag at the top so that it doesn’t get wet. You can spend as much time as you want once you’re down there. we were in there for about an hour. Make sure to bring cash.


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